Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, & Stafford Virginia | (540) 785-2222  

This month we had the honor of interviewing one of our very own Stroke and Fitness Swimmers, Presley! He had a lot to share about what swimming means to him and how his practice has really paid itself off! Interview excerpt below:

What is your name?


How long have you been participating in the Stroke and Fitness program?

3 years

What is the name of your summer swim team?

Idlewild Tidal Waves

What events did you swim?

Relays, Breaststroke, Butterfly, Backstroke, Freestyle

Mom, what are some of the biggest takeaways for you? What are some things that you’ve seen him grow in since his participation in Stroke and Fitness?

Well he’s always been competitive, but here, he’s learning the right skills to back up his bragging about how good he is! And I like that he’s following through with something – he’s excited to come every week, he’s excited to see the coaches every week, it’s not a fight to get him here.

Presley, what are some of the events that you’ve competed in this summer and how did you do in those events?

Relays, Breast, Back, Freestyle and Butterfly. I felt like I did pretty well compared to my previous years.

Mom: He’s a determined little boy and coming here makes him more determined to do better. Seeing the results he gets from here, he’s not going to stop swimming! He got several first places in Butterfly, Breaststroke (which is his favorite), Freestyle, and in the Relays. He broke several records for his swim team and he got three different medals at the finals.

Over the season, were there any times where he won Triple Winner or anything like that?

Oh yeah, he did win Triple Winner twice, I believe it was in the Fredericksburg Newspaper, for it.

That is awesome. What do you hope for him in the future for him to go on, beyond the pool?

I hope all of his hard work, whether it’s swimming or school, just pays off and he gets to see that ‘start what you finish’ and if you work hard, you can complete your goals.


It was a blast getting to hear from Presley and learn about his accomplishments, all thanks to his hard work and dedication both inside and outside of the pool! To stay up to date on all of the Little Fish News, be sure to follow us on our other channels!












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