Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, & Stafford Virginia | (540) 785-2222  

Do you ever feel like time is racing by faster than you can handle? Over the past few years it has seemed to be that type of season. We recently hit 15 years that we have been providing swim lessons to Fredericksburg, Stafford and the surrounding areas here in Virginia! Because of that length of time, We have had the privilege of connecting with many families and their little fish at the pool. We have been able to see Minnows turn into Fish and Fish turn into Sharks. We have been able to see young swimmers learn the basics, become competitive and come away from their races with ribbons. 
While watching these swimmers and families accomplish their swim goals through lessons is our primary objective, there are some other accomplishments we get to sit poolside for. Most recently, we got to celebrate the success of another one of our swimmers. This time it wasn’t for doing her bubbles, or her side breath or learning butterfly, but it was for landing a job as a swim instructor with us! 
Meet Liv! A new addition to our coaching staff, but a long time member of the Little Fish family! Our staff remembers long talks about life and progress in the pool with her parents and getting to see her master her skills along the way. Similar to other success stories at the pool, she started not knowing the basics and needing to gain her confidence in the pool. Learning to float is one of those first building blocks that your swimmer will learn at their swim lessons!
After that it’s time to learn to kick. Your kick is your motor when learning to swim, so you have to have a strong and consistent motor before moving on to learn strokes. 
Before you know it, you are working on strokes and making your way up and down the lane in the big pool. Any fears fade away and are replaced with confidence in your skill and safety. 

The longer that we provide swim lessons to families in our region, the more that we realize that swimming is more than just a sport. It is a life skill that our swimmers will take beyond the pool.
The hard work and dedication that is required to master these life-saving skills, is a formula that our swimmers will need in their classrooms, in their first job, when learning to communicate with others, and in every aspect of life that they face!
We are thankful for the example that Liv set for us by facing her fears and diving in head first to see her goals accomplished. 
Help us to congratulate Liv on her next steps at Little Fish. We are excited to be able to watch her continue to grow in skill from a different capacity. Thank you to her family for trusting us with her swim journey. It has blessed us to have you as a part of our Little Fish family! 
If you are interested in being a part of the Little Fish story, visit us at to find a class that is right for your swimmer. Or if you know someone who would be a good addition to our coaching staff they can apply via the website as well. 
See you at the pool soon! 
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