Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, & Stafford Virginia | (540) 785-2222  

One of the most frequent questions we receive here at Little Fish often goes a lot like this:

“How long will it take for my child to learn how to swim? You know, like swim really well?”

As parents and mentors of our own children, we completely understand! If you’re going to invest in anything, it is always a good idea to learn about the payoff. When it comes to lessons, the time it takes to become a strong swimmer depends both on the student and the frequency in which they practice. We offer guidance and instruction along the way, but what really compounds everything together is the power of repetition. The more often your child swims, the more likely they will be able to see and reap the results. “Practice Makes Perfect” is a phrase used over and over (and over) again and we firmly believe it cannot be said enough, because it is a mantra that has been tried and true throughout the ages!

Imagine someone learning how to play guitar. They pick up the instrument for the very first time, pluck a few strings, and then begin to shred up and down the fretboard just like Jimi Hendrix, right? Not quite. Although, that would be pretty rad! This same concept also applies to swimming-  one simply cannot jump in the pool, learn to swim in one lesson, and then find themselves competing in the 200m freestyle at the Olympics (although, that would also be pretty rad). Swimmers may not learn at the same pace, but that certainly does not mean we cannot develop them to their own, fullest potential!

Swim practice may start off at lessons with Little Fish, but we encourage you not to let it stop there! What is taught at lessons can also be applied at your local swimming pool, lake or beach and will make a world of difference in your child’s swim progress. Their confidence in the water will grow immensely as they refine their skills and techniques through consistent repetition. Nothing brings our coaches greater joy than seeing their students take ownership of what they learn and sticking it to near perfection. You may be tempted to stop practicing with how good your child will become, but don’t you worry, because we have so many more skills we are looking forward to teaching them!

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